She started by opening her stocking, which included this Little Mermaid necklace.

Her favorite present was by far this Snow White dress, which Santa found online for just $4. Ava has worn it pretty much every day since—the best $4 ever spent. After putting on the dress, she will announce that "it's Snow White time" and then proceed to hand out roles. Larry and Christian are typically cast as dwarfs, while Krista gets to play "a bunny". Guess who is always Snow White. Ava will then run around the house flailing her arms in distress mimicking Snow White as she runs through the forest near the start of the film.

Her favorite present was by far this Snow White dress, which Santa found online for just $4. Ava has worn it pretty much every day since—the best $4 ever spent. After putting on the dress, she will announce that "it's Snow White time" and then proceed to hand out roles. Larry and Christian are typically cast as dwarfs, while Krista gets to play "a bunny". Guess who is always Snow White. Ava will then run around the house flailing her arms in distress mimicking Snow White as she runs through the forest near the start of the film.
Christian (who was up Christmas Eve until four in the morning) slept blissfully through most of the festivities. Abby, however, was up and ready to open presents. Her shirt (which reads "What Santa doesn't bring me, Grandma will") was spot on, as both she and Ava made out like bandits.

After opening the presents, Larry's family headed over to the church to set up for Danny and Patricia's reception the following day (pictures are forthcoming).

Christian eventually decided to wake up and open his presents.

After opening the presents, Larry's family headed over to the church to set up for Danny and Patricia's reception the following day (pictures are forthcoming).