Christian turned six months old this past Monday. Today he had his six-month checkup and weighed in at 16 lbs 9 oz (25%) and 27.25 inches long (75%).
Some of Christian's favorite things to do as a six-month-old are bouncing in his Jumperoo...
...sitting in his Bumbo chair...

...modeling cute outfits while striking a pose...

...eating in his big sister's highchair...

...rolling around in his crib and playing with his toes.

Christian is such a happy little boy and brings so much joy to our lives.
Some of Christian's favorite things to do as a six-month-old are bouncing in his Jumperoo...
...sitting in his Bumbo chair...

...modeling cute outfits while striking a pose...

...eating in his big sister's highchair...

...rolling around in his crib and playing with his toes.

Christian is such a happy little boy and brings so much joy to our lives.
Wow- he sure is getting a personality and a happy, bubbly one at that. I see the makings of taking after his big sisters with all the posing. Tis to be expected....They are both adorable. Glad all are healthy and well!
He is so darling. I have to smile every time I see him because he is such a personable little boy. He just loves people.--GrannyO
What a happy, cute little guy!
Can't believe he's already 6 months Krista!! He's too cute, and looks so happy and fun!!!
I think he has a lot of different "looks" in each of those pictures. Almost like different babies. It's hard to tell who he will look like. He seems to be enjoying baby life!
i love his modeling pose! Hilarious!
Wow. I can't believe it has been 6 months already. And I haven't even met the little guy! So sad.
Wow, these pictures (although he DOES look a little different in each) look to me like many of Preston's baby pictures. Holy cow!
He is absolutely DARLING! This is one smitten auntie!
OMG, what a handsome little guy! I love these photos. And I REALLY love the photo at the top of your blog. Priceless!
-C Shiffler
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