For the last several days, Ava has been showing signs that learning to crawl has moved its way to the top of her to-do-list. Having mastered rolling over, crawling seemed the logical next step. However, what we've witnessed her doing as she moves from point A to point B is not what one might call crawling. We're not sure what to call it, but knew that still images would do it no justice. So, we decided to capture her movement on video. Then, however, came the problem of how to get the video off the camcorder and on to the blog.
We purchased our first camcorder last November before Ava was born. The camcorder records in a high-definition format called AVCHD, which is supposedly the next big thing in the world of "prosumer" camcorders. In the meantime, however, the format is not supported by most video editing software (at least not without spending a lot of money). So this meant we had to resort to using the Sony-developed software which came free with the camcorder. Typically the software which ships with consumer electronics leaves much to be desired. In this case, we have to credit Sony with actually making decent software once you figure out how to use it. The main problem was trying to understand the manual, which was obviously written by a Japanese speaker that thought he could construct intelligible sentences in English.
Fear not...after several hours we figured out how to convert the AVCHD file to MPEG-2 and make it small enough to just squeak by You Tube's 100 MB size limit. Without further adieu, we present Ava in her feature film premiere....
(We had wanted to lay down an audio track of the theme song from Chariots of Fire, but one can only accomplish so much with an instruction manual written in broken English.)
That was so sweet. She is adorable. Love, Elissa
Too cute...she finally made it to her goal!! Not sure what kind of crawl that is either?? I love how she sticks her little bum so far in the air though!!! How exciting for her though...
-Becki :)
That was amazing! She finally got there. Her crawl reminds me of some kind of little bug, but I can't think which one. You guys are going to have a little traveler on your hands very soon. I guess we are all going to have to start babyproofing!--Granny O
Yeah Ava you made it. Soon she will be walking as she has the determination to accomplish what she sets out to do. I really enjoyed the video and especially hearing her cute voice. Thanks Mom and Dad for sharing her progression with us. A highlight of my day.
Great-Grandma Polly
She makes such a cute noise. aw can't wait till near Christmas to see her now. =)
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