We have been really bad at blogging for the last couple of months. It is crazy how fast time goes by and how busy a very active toddler can keep you. We haven't had a chance to download recent pictures from off our camera and sadly there aren't that many on it anyway as Ava has recently decided that she prefers running everywhere to sitting still for a photo op. We also have been busy finishing our basement, adjusting to Larry's new job, watching BYU football games, getting well after Larry and I were both terribly sick, entertaining family from out of town, and visiting the Olsen's fabulous new home up in Preston, Idaho. To motivate you to keep checking our blog, I am putting up some of my favorite pictures of Ava from August that didn't make it into any of our previous postings. She is sitting at the piano, one of the few places where I can actually get a picture with her staying semi-still.

Here Ava is practicing her kissy face. Although she has never been an overly cuddly child, Ava loves to give kisses. Hopefully this love of kissing does not continue into her teenage years!
Hopefully we can start making more time for blogging. Stay tuned!
Darling pictures of Ava! I can't believe how big they are getting. Its crazy to think that they are going to be two.
She is adorable...sad that she won't sit for pictures though...Klous is NOT camera shy...if only I could get him to do a REAL smile and not just his cheeser!! Can't wait to see you guys this week!!!
-Becki :)
Thanks I really look foward to seeing your blogs.
G/Grandma Polly
We loved the new pictures. I keep thinking that you guys could make a fortune by getting Ava into modeling. She is sooo beautiful!--Granny O
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