Last Sunday, we attended the blessing of Ava's cousin, Sophia Elizabeth. She looked absolutely beautiful in her blessing dress.

Following the blessing, we went to a luncheon at Preston and Liz's house. The food was delicious and we were able to visit with lots of family and friends.
Ava was very excited to see baby Sophia and we know that Ava, Annissa, and Sophia will be great friends.

In other news, Elder Danny Furr was recently transfered to Grand Falls on the island of Newfoundland. From what we hear, they get 15-20 feet of snow there each year, so send Elder Furr warm thoughts.
Two darling little cousins! Thanks for the wonderful pictures and report on the blessing. It was really a lovely occasion, and we had a great time attending it. Tell Elder Furr to bundle up. We will be sending hot chocolate packets!--Granny O
Congratulations on the newest niece and baby blessing. What a beautiful family. Tell Danny we'll be thinking and praying for him!
Larry, thanks for being the talented photog that you are!!! We sure are glad to be related!
Bom na verdade n�o sei por onde come�ar,Larry procurei onde deixar um e-mail recado ou algo parecido como de ingles n�o praticamente nada,ent�o creio que por aqui vc talvez me responda,sou Camila Mendon�a menbro do Ramo Bragan�a onde vc serviu miss�o,lembra?Pois � te encontrei no site da Miss�o brasil Bel�m,assim como encontrei muitas outras pessoas que gostaria muito te der notic�as,� muito saber que vc casou e tem linda famil�a,sem falar na sua filha Ava creio que ela se chame assim.Como vc tem andando o que tem feito al�m de forma uma linda famil�a?
Eu estou casada a pouco mais de 6 anos e tenho tres lindas filhas,como pode ver meu sonho de fazer miss�o n�o chegou n�m perto,casei com 17 anos um com ex-mission�rio que serviu em Santa Maria Sul do pa�s,minhas filhas s�o Helo�sa de 5 anos,Isabella de 4 anos e Mel de 2 anos.Espero muito receber resposta e que o Senhor continue te aben�oando.Ah se vc tiver e-mail de mais algu�m daquela �poca me informe por favor,aguardo resposta atrav�z do meu e-mail
At� Mais! Ass:Camila Aviz
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